Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pravda: Canadians so…retentive, or cowardly

Always interesting to see how other countries view us:

A column in Pravda:
Vancouver: Mutton Dressed as Lamb

We all knew it weeks before the game started, with accusations about doping being levelled at Russian athletes, and we all saw it on day one of the games, with the death of a Georgian athlete on a corner which miraculously was elevated the following day. Vancouver is not fit to hold the Winter Olympics.
Far from being a question of sour grapes, Russian commentators were already expressing their reservations as to the integrity of the Vancouver Lobby being able to host the Olympic Games weeks before the start. After all the IOC was starting to fire off in all directions before the first aircraft arrived...[...]

We all know Canada has problems with the future lines drawn on Arctic maps and we all know Canada lives in the shadow of its larger neighbour to the south. The abject cruelty shown by Canadian soldiers in international conflicts is scantily referred to, as indeed is the utter incapacity of this county to host a major international event, due to its inferiority complex, born of a trauma being the skinny and weakling bro to a beefy United States and a colonial outpost to the United Kingdom, whose Queen smiles happily from Canadian postage stamps. ...

There is more, of course, here. Go read it. Written by Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey (not very Russian sounding, is he?) this is a funny piece. I guess it was not meant to be funny, but hard to take such declarations as : 'The abject cruelty shown by Canadian soldiers in international conflicts...' seriously. I gather that the Russian president is so upset with Canada, he is not showing up for the closing ceremonies as had been previously arranged, and rumour has it that the Russian team may be leaving early, too!

Do svidaniya, Russia!

Cruising the internet, found this gem about the 'writer' Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey :

Well, well... I went looking for Dr. Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey and this is what I found:

Director and Chief Editor Portuguese version PRAVDA.Ru2000 to presentPresident Chamber of Commerce and Industry Portugal Romania 2000 to presentPresident PRAVDA Foundation non profit making NGO development projects 2006 to presentVice President Telecommunications Projects 1988 to 1999Senior Consultant PR C2000 Public Relations 1987 to present.

He's British, and if you go looking for him, you'll find that he writes the most violent hate literature; a thoroughly nasty piece of work all round. As far as his views on Canada... ignore the man. (In the comments here)

'Nuff said.

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