Sunday, October 5, 2008

Obama et al are not telling you the truth...

I know, I know.. I will be accused of smearing Obama, but why stop there? In the wake of the last week's obscenities to do with the US bailout, Obama is not alone in trying to blame the Bush White House for the current economic woes in America..Pelosi et al, all hold equal responsibility (ummm can we say "Democrats have had control for the last 2 years":?) A video surfaced, and despite many efforts to quash the truth, my friend Yankeemom sent me the link to a YouTube - still up as I write - that shows the truth of the matter. The soundcard on my new computer doesn't work right now, but I KNOW that the current woes leading up to the current "the sky is falling" by the foxes in the henhouse leads waaaay back to the previous Democrat White House. That would be PRE-President Bush for the simple-minded among us. I will be writing more on this, as soon as I can wrap my brain cells around the enormity, and follow the trail waaaaay back as others are doing, but in the meantime, take a look at this - while you still can. Watch it and weep. Thanks, Yankeemom.:

Burning Down the House

And before any of the Obama "truth squads" want to argue about their lies, I leave you with this direct quote from the Obama's most recent letter to this imaginary friend:

John McCain wants to deregulate America's health care industry in the exact same way he helped deregulate the banking industry and Wall Street. This reckless, "Wild West"-style deregulation is precisely what led to the ongoing economic crisis.

And as Sarah Palin confirmed last night, she and John McCain will continue to fight for tax cuts for the wealthy, Big Oil, and giant corporations while ignoring the fact that this trickle-down strategy has utterly failed under George W. Bush.

Please take a minute to forward this email. Make sure your friends see the ad and know the truth about John McCain and Sarah Palin.

Then make a donation of $5 to make sure people all over America see this ad before they vote:

Here's a quarter, Joe. (Bratville Call someone else...

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